Documentary |
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2009 |
Abell, Sam Adams, Ansel Adams, Robert Anema, Taco Araki, Nobuyoshi Avedon, Richard Baart, Theo Bae, Bien-U Banning, Jan Barros, Mecedes Becher, Bernd & Hilla Becker, Krimhild Becker, Otto Olaf Beijer, Jasper de Bendiksen, Jonas Berger, Wout Bezzubov, Sasha Bialobrzeski, Peter Boer, Sacha de Boesch, Robert Bonfert, Gerd Bosch, Maurice van den Botman, Machiel Brandt, Bill Burtynsky, Edward Buwalda, Dirk Capa, Robert Cartier-Bresson, Henry Corbijn, Anton Corbino Crane, Barbara Crist, Marcel Cunningham, Imogen Curtis, Edward S. Davies, John Dekkers, Ger Demand, Thomas Denderen, Ad van Dibbets, Jan Dijkstra, Rineke Divola, John Dujardin, Filip Dumas, Charlotte Eindhoven, Jurriaan Eliott Erwitt Elsken, Ed van der Empel, Ruud van Engelskirchen, Hein Ernst, Max Felber, Gina Lee Fieret, Gerard Fontana, Franco Franklin, Stuart Freed, Leonard Geffeler, Andreas Gerritsen, Gerrit Goldin, Nan Goossens, Marnix Gossage, John Griendt, Martijn van de Griffin, Brian Gurski, Andreas Hanekroot, Gijsbert Hassink, Jacqueline Henry, William Hermes, Carlie Hido, Todd Hilst, Robert van der Ho, Fan Hoch, Matthias Hockney, David Hoflehner, Josef Hollander, Paul den Hornstra, Rob Huf, Paul Keuken, Johan van der Keyser, Mischa Keyzer, Carl de Klein, William Koning, Daniel Kovacovsky, Eva-fiore Kunert, Frank Kuykendall, Ted LaChapelle, David Lehtinen, Janne Leibovitz, Annie Levin, Michael Libbert, Natascha Lixenberg, Dana Man, Ray Manen, Bertien van Mann, Paho Mapplethorpe, Robert Martin, Arthur McCurry, Steve Mechanicus, Philip Newman, Arnold Nooijer, Paul de Olaf, Erwin Oorthuys, Cas Overtoom, Willem Parker, David Parr, Martin Penn, Irving Plossu, Bernard Poelstra, Willem Ridder, Mischa de Ruwedel, Mark Salm, Frank van der Sander, August Schlijper, Thomas Scholten, Jan willem Sherman, Cindy Sleeuwits, Marleen Sloth, Alec Smulders, Margriet Spaans, Jean-marc Stieglitz, Alfred Tajiri, Shinkichi Talbot, Fox Templeton, Ed Testino, Mario Tillmans, Wolfgang Vandercam, Serge Vanflenteren, Stephan Verschuren, Oof Versnel, Jan Vitali, Massimo Vliegenthart, jaap Wall Weegee, Jef Watson, Albert Weijde, Erik van der Weston, Edward Wilschut, Hans Winogrand, Gary Woude, Hanne van der Zwakman, Edwin Zwart, Piet |
 | Andreas Geffeler - Photographs Uthemann, Ernest W ISBN: 9783775724463 More details
|  | Massimo Vitali - Landscape With Figures Vitali, Massimo; Davis, Whitney; Soutif, Daniel ISBN: 9783865219091 More details
|  | Various photographers - FOAM #21 MERGE This winter issue focuses on the fusions of photography with other media and art forms. In recent years we have seen a large increase in hybrid forms of art. So it should come as no surprise that a great number of artists have responded to this new situation with extremely diverse work. More details
|  | Otto Olaf Becker - Above Zero After his breathtaking, prize-winning photographs of the coast of Greenland in Broken Line, Olaf Otto Becker (*1959 in Travemünde) turns his attention to the interior of the island in his new series, Above Zero. ISBN: 9783775724371 More details
|  | Wout Berger - Like Birds Like birds, sometimes watching from a distance and sometimes close by, in flight - but always without horizon. It is the "innocent" nature of the photographs by Wout Berger that form the basis of his photo art works. The camera is placed close to the surface of the earth. ISBN: 9789072697097 More details
|  | Sasha Bezzubov - Wildfire In the American west during the last 35 years, the number of fires increased by a factor of four. Sasha Bezzubov has gained wide recognition for his photographs of natural disasters in his ongoing project “Things Fall Apart". ISBN: 978-1-59005-2 More details
|  | Steve McCurry - The Unguarded Moment Captures Those 'unguarded Moments' When People Are At Their Most Natural. This Book Includes The Places, Colours And Forms Of Various Countries. People In The Photographs Go About Daily Business In Extraordinary Settings, Like The Young Tea Vendor Wading Through Waist-deep Monsoon Waters In India, A ISBN: 9780714846644 More details
|  | Peter Bialobrzeski - Paradise Now Foreword by Peter Bialobrzeski, texts by Alex Rühle ISBN: 9783775723329 More details
|  | Various photographers - Sony World Photography Awards : Cannes 2009 More details
|  | Bien-U Bae - Sacred Wood Texts by Wonkyung Byun, Thomas Wagner ISBN: 9783775722834 More details
|  | David Parker - SIRENS ISBN: 9783865213068 More details
|  | PANL - PANL #18 All the nominated photographs are included in the PANL Annual#18, of which many copies will be sent to domestic and international magazine publishers and advertising agencies, among others. This book is often used as a resource for choosing a photographer or as a reference for the Dutch photography More details
|  | Natascha Libbert - Take me to the Hilton This is a story about man’s attempt to model his surroundings to become that which he envisions as being an ideal world. It is about how a created world has become reality. I perceived this to be especially visible in places such as hotels, airports, lounges, avenues, resorts by the sea. More details
|  | Barbara Crane - Private Views ISBN: 9781597110969 More details
|  | Martin Parr - Everybody Dance Now Everybody Dance Now features the work of British photographer Martin Parr in a photographic essay of social dancing around the world. The photographs span the world with the earliest taken in 1972, continuing into the recent past of 2008. The accompanying texts are by Andy Grundberg and Martin Parr. ISBN: 9780972388627 More details
|  | Cas Oorthuys - 1944-45. Het laatste jaar In het laatste jaar van de Tweede Wereldoorlog verenigde zich een groep fotografen onder leiding van ‘Frits’ tot de illegale groep ‘de ondergedoken camera’. Ze stelden zich tot doel gezamenlijk een beeld te geven van het verschrikkelijke dat om hen heen gebeurde. ISBN: 9789025430504 More details
|  | Rob Hornstra - 101 Billionaires (2009 Crisis Edition) More details
|  | Taco Anema - Honderd Hollandse Huishoudens Dit boek verschijnt ter gelegenheid van de dubbeltentoonstelling: In het volle zonlicht - Unieke daguerreotypieën van en door de familie Enschedé en Taco Anema ISBN: 9789078909156 More details
|  | Ruud van Empel - Photoworks 2006-2008 The digital montages by Ruud van Empel possess a photographic persuasiveness that has rarely been equalled through photographic history because of their ability to create a believable reality for the viewer. This publication presents works from four recently completed bodies of work. ISBN: 9789081383219 More details
|  | Bernd & Hilla Becher - Bernd & Hilla Becher at the Museo Morandi The catalog of a small, carefully compiled Becher exhibition at Museo Morandi in Bologna, Italy. It contains 14 duotone plates of typologies of industrial structures and an interview with Hilla Becher. ISBN: 9783829604062 More details
|  | Andreas Gurski - Works 80-08 ISBN: 9783775723381 More details
|  | Robert Adams - Summer Nights, Walking Along the Colorado Front Range 1976-1982 ISBN: 9781597111171 More details
|  | Anton Corbijn - Star Trak ISBN: 9783829600569 More details
|  | Janne Lehtinen - Night Shift ISBN: 9783775721967 More details
|  | Sam Abell - Life Of A Photograph The renowned National Geographic photographer and educator presents a host of his acclaimed photographs, organized by theme, accompanied by personal anecdotes, explanations,... ISBN: 9781426203299 More details
|  | Ed Templeton - Deformer 'deformer' Is The Culmination Of A Vision 11 Years In The Making, And; Collects Over 30 Years Of Material. Its Photographs Illuminate Being Young; And Alive In The 'suburban Domestic Incubator', And Provide A Raw And; Unflinching Glimpse Into The Artist's Own Life And The Lives Around Him.; ISBN: 9780789317506 More details
|  | Jacqueline Hassink - Car Girls Dutch artist Jacqueline Hassink has received critical acclaim for her books and exhibitions that deal conceptually with issues of power and social relations. Car Girls is a body of work that Hassink has created over five years, photographing major car shows in seven different cities on three contine ISBN: 9781597110976 More details
|  | Various photographers - 200 Best Advertising Photographers 08/09 Lürzer's Archive Special is proudly presenting the 200 Best Advertising Photographers worldwide 2008/2009! More details
|  | Daniel Koning - Nederland voor gevorderden Hoe gaan we in Nederland om met de ruimte waarin wij wonen, werken en recreeren? ISBN: 9789059372009 More details
|  | Dirk Buwalda - Ver weg om de hoek Een fotografisch leven ISBN: 9789078909057 More details
|  | Dana Lixenberg - The Last Days of Shishmaref Shishmaref is disappearing. The village on an island off the coast of Alaska is slowly but surely being swallowed up by the sea. ISBN: 9789059731103 More details
|  | Erwin Olaf - FALL W. Sinderen ISBN: 9789086902132 More details
|  | Richard Avedon - Performance More than two hundred portrait images by the celebrated photographer capture some of the greatest stars and artists of the performing arts from the latter half of the twentieth century ISBN: 9780810972889 More details
|  | Charlotte Dumas - Heart Shaped Hole Two years after completing a series of local racehorse portraits taken in Palermo, Dumas has returned to the city to capture the stray dogs of the city. The photographer's painstaking approach and steady powers of observation have resulted in fourteen intimate portraits. ISBN: 9789081350112 More details
|  | Gijsbert Hanekroot - abba to zappa Gijsbert Hanekroot started his career as a rock music photographer in the late sixties. He has photographed nearly every performing pop singer or rock band all around the world. Most of his pictures where published in the Dutch rock magazine Oor. This book consists of a selection of these photo's ISBN: 9789086901289 More details
|  | Josef Hoflehner - Nine 9 - Introduction by Francis Hodgson ISBN: 9783902600035 More details
|  | Various photographers - Nature as Artifice New Dutch Landscape in Photography and Video Art ISBN: 9789056620288 More details
|  | Erwin Olaf - Erwin Olaf Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf delivers a velvet-gloved emotional impact with his highly stylized mode of image making. His work offers a blend of mid-century modern and noir aesthetics seen through a contem-porary, fashion-inflected lens. ISBN: 9781597110617 More details
|  | Jan Banning - Bureaucratics ISBN: 9781590052327 More details
|  | Willem Poelstra - 112 - Ambulance Amsterdam ISBN: 9789053306345 More details
|  | Andreas Gurski - Architektur "I am working on an encyclopedia of life.” ISBN: 9783775721776 More details
|  | Carl de Keyzer - Trinity ISBN: 9789054668442 More details
|  | Ad van Denderen - So Blue So Blue ISBN: 9783865217349 More details
|  | Edwin Zwakman - Fake but accurate ISBN: 9783829603881 More details
|  | Various photographers - Het geheim van Utrecht Het geheim van Utrecht - Stedelijke fotografie ISBN: 9789086901999 More details
|  | Frank Kunert - Verkehrte Welt / Topsy-Turvy World A multistoried apartment building. Its plaster is grayish beige and exudes a kind of petit bourgeois tristesse; it has the requisite carpeted balcony railings, the lone flower... ISBN: 9783775721325 More details
|  | Martijn van de Griendt - Smokin'boys Smokin'girls Martijn van de Griendt (1970) is documentair fotograaf. Hij richt zich al sedert eind jaren negentig op zijn eigen, westerse samenleving en vooral op de jongerencultuur daarvan. Zijn stijl is fris met felle kleuren, maar ook rauw, en altijd heel dicht op de huid. ISBN: 9789053306338 More details
|  | PANL - PANL #17 All the nominated photographs are included in the PANL Annual, 1.500 copies of hich will be sent to domestic and international magazine publishers and advertising agencies, among others. This book is often used as a resource for choosing a photographer or as a reference for the Dutch photography sec More details
|  | Various photographers - FOAM #15 international photography magazine ISBN: 9879070516109 More details
|  | Mark Ruwedel - Westward The Course of Empire ISBN: 9780300141344 More details
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